The CDC (Finally) Updates Its Mask Guidance

Your state is weighing in on masks. Heck, your city might too. Now, the CDC has come out with its updated mask protocols and it is a rainbow of many colors to guide us.

The CDC ties its mask recommendations to the community COVID-19 levels. Low (green)–your choice. Medium (yellow) mask if high risk, you live with someone at high risk or if your doctor recommends. High (red)–wear a mask indoors, including schools,  and if you are immunocompromised wear a really good mask.

What does this mean for my workplace? You can monitor the CDC site for your locations each day. Not realistic for most employers of course. Best case is to continue to have non-vaccinated employees wear masks and social distance. Not realistic? Well, you can also ignore the CDC if your state is lifting masks and you are comfortable with it. But do not prevent employees from wearing masks if they choose. Customers and vendors also. Full stop.

Questions about masks in the workplace? Remote work issues? FMLA to ADA leave issues? We can help.