The New Normal and Your Business: Let’s Go

Birds are chirping, the sun is shining and Governors are lifting Executive Orders! Let’s to go back to pre-pandemic times, right? Not so fast. Many of the safety protocols will remain in place indefinitely. And while the vaccine is a welcome layer of protection, it adds a new standard for workplace safety.

What’s an employer to do? Try our fixed fee, “New Normal” Toolkit to fast track your compliance obligations.  We have created an easy-to-use solution with FAQs, a model proof of vaccination policy (for both mandatory and voluntary vaccine scenarios), an Airborne Infections Standards Policy, necessary forms, and updates on OSHA, CDC and EEOC guidance as they are released. With this evergreen toolkit you will not have to track the changes in regulations and guidance: we do that for you.

Please contact us (foleylawpractice)  for information on and cost for the “New Normal” Toolkit. We love making it easier for employers to concentrate on their mission and believe our fixed fee toolkits achieve that goal. We can help.