Holy Guacamole! Tacos, a Priest and the DOL

Who knew employment law could read like a Monty Python sketch? This DOL investigation does! In the course of its wage and hour investigation over overtime violations and a subsequent lawsuit, the DOL heard unforgettable testimony.

Funny not funny: Taqueria Garibaldi in northern California, hired a fake priest to hear confessions during work hours and “get the sins out,” including asking them if they had been late for work, stolen money from the restaurant or had “bad intentions” toward their employer. The Catholic Diocese of Sacramento stated: “While we don’t know who the person in question was, we are completely confident he was not a priest of the Diocese of Sacramento.”The Regional Director of Labor took no prisoners either: “[The] employer’s despicable attempts to retaliate against employees were intended to silence workers, obstruct an investigation and prevent the recovery of unpaid wages.”

Got wage theft? Do not hire a fake priest. We can help with that investigation without wearing a collar.  We also offer a fixed fee service for employee classification and on wage and timekeeping standards  to make compliance easier. Our Employment Law Corner for July is an excellent resource on the federal standards for exempt and non exempt classifications. Contact us.